顾客满意度调查 统一社会信用代码: * 完成日期: * 客户名称: * 客户服务代表 (SLI): * Choose a representative-选择代表 Kitty-王弼新 Lena-鹿丽娜 Eva-姜瑶 Christine-方凤英 该调查问卷期限: * 第一部分(客户沟通): Please answer the following questions, for the period listed above: (1-being the poorest rating, 5-being the highest rating) (Attach any available supporting documents as appropriate.) 请在上述期限内,回答下述问题(最低分1分,最高分5分)(如适用,请附上证明文件) 1. During the period of time listed, have supplies/orders been provided on time, as requested and agreed upon? 在上述期限内,据客户需求,双方达成一致意见为前提,我司是否准时供货? * 1 2 3 4 5 2. During the period of time listed, has communication been regular, cordial and helpful? 在上述期限内,我司是否与贵司开展过常规,热情,且高效地沟通? * 1 2 3 4 5 3. Has the level of Customer Service been satisfactory? 我司的客户服务水平是否令贵司满意? * 1 2 3 4 5 4. Have the lead times that we provide been satisfactory? 我司的供货期是否令贵司满意? * 1 2 3 4 5 For any of the above questions with a rating of less than 3, please explain below: 对于上述任意问题,如果评分低于3,请提供原因: * A. Add the results from question 1 through 4 and divide by 4 to obtain an average for the previous section. A. 将第1题到第4题的分数相加,再除以4,得出第一部分的平均分 Avg: 平均分: * Part II (Customer Complaints): 第二部分(客户投诉) Has the resolution of any complaints been satisfactory? (explain): 我司对任意投诉提供的解决方案是否令贵司满意?(请提供原因): * B. Based on the information provided above for complaints, assign a customer satisfaction rating: C. 根据上述投诉提供的相关信息,进行客户满意度评分: * 1 2 3 4 5 Explain Rating: 评分的原因: * Summary: 总结: Using the information listed in Parts I, and II above, summarize the overall level of satisfaction. Rating should be obtained by adding results from section A and B and dividing by 2 (round to nearest whole number). 根据上述第一部分和第二部分的信息,整理满意度的总体水平。将第一部分和第二部分的分数相加,再除以二,得出最终分数(取最近的整数)。 Overall Satisfaction rating: 总体满意度分数: * Additional Comments/Concerns: 意见建议: * Completed by: 填表人: * Send 发送 新的SLI全球服务地点: 北京市大兴区亦庄开发区地盛中路5号院联邦国际商务中心6号楼203室. 邮编: 100176 北京办事处电话 010-67861072 cn.scantibodies.com